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Scottish Type Approval Scheme (STAS)

The Scottish Type Approval Scheme (STAS) is a Local Authority Building Standards Scotland (LABSS) product that is managed, operated and administered by the Scottish Building Standards Hub (SBSH) through its STAS Unit (SU).

STAS is a national approval scheme that allows customers to have their building design, or system design pre-approved, which then quickens the building warrant application process as only site-specific elements require to be checked.  This also aids verifiers as they spend considerably less time and resource assessing applications accompanied by a STAS certificate.

If you wish to seek a national type approval for a building type or an innovative project or building element you should submit an application form together with relevant supporting information. This comprises the form itself, a statement of structural adequacy to confirm that your building or project has been subjected to a full structural check and satisfies the specific requirements of British and European Design Codes for stability and design life. A statement describing the climatic conditions criteria used in the design is also required so that any approval has prescribed limitations of location when seeking to build in any geographic area in Scotland.

Scottish Type Approval Scheme (STAS)

STAS provides assessments and approvals of designs of standard buildings or elements of buildings that are to be constructed in Scotland. A customer focused national approval system for house builders, developers, and commercial premises. STAS offers approvals of standard building designs prepared by designers and developers of domestic and non-domestic projects in support of building warrant applications in Scotland producing real savings in time in the approval process. All Scottish local authority verifiers accept STAS approvals.