
The Scottish Building Standards Hub (SBSH) produces information and guidance for the building standards system and delivery model.

This page allows you to find SBSH publications  which are aimed at local authority building standards practitioners, designers, the public and users of the system.

Guidance produced includes topics where clarity and consistency is required with respect to the meaning behind particular standards and/or procedures, in areas where disputes have arisen and national clarity is required, and also to provide best practice guidance.

Resource Library

All Scottish Building Standards Hub (SBSH) publications are contained within our resource library. The library also contains information and guidance from external sources that will aid you, either as a building standards practitioner or user of the building standards system. The link below provides access to our resource library.

Information Papers and Guidance

Information papers are a Local Authority Building Standards Scotland (LABSS) product, whereby the administration, management, technical content, and paper publication process is entirely carried out by the Scottish Building Standards Hub (SBSH). To ensure content is consistent with local authority practice, peer review is sought through LABSS Consortium Technical Working Group (CTWG) prior to publication.

The SBSH also produces a variety of guidance in their own right, which is aimed at assisting local authority building standards practitioners and users of the building standards system.

LABSS CTWG is consulted on matters relating to published information and guidance where they involve an alternative approach to guidance or could be contentious in nature.